22 January 2012

How 'Bout That

Lotty has been talking more and more.  She has expanded to multi-word phrases like "how about that," "happy Dadda" and "cool man," as well as many multiple syllable words.  We have been working on "delicious" which often comes out "licious."  She has also started walking on her own and is very good at it.  She seemed to wait until she could do it well before taking off on her own.  You can see examples of both walking and talking (not to mention drooling) in the video below.

02 January 2012

Time to take the alligators for a walk

Lotty has been working on her walking and now uses her alligator push toy very effectively, as you can see from the video.  She has also started saying "Hi, guys," proving that she is an American.  This is just one of several two word phrases that she is using.  She is also very aware of the camera and likes to be on both sides of the lens.  While she hasn't taken any videos yet, she has taken several pictures.